old shoe 意味

発音を聞く:   old shoeの例文
  • {1} : 気楽{きらく}につきあえる人
    {2} : 古靴{ふるぐつ}、履き慣れた靴◆通例複数形の shoes で
    {形} : <→OLD-SHOE>


  1. kind of like an old shoe .
  2. i'm just a part of the scenery , like an old shoe or a rug that you walk on every day but don't even really see .


        old-shoe:    {形} : 気楽{きらく}な
        as comfortable as an old shoe:     (as) cómfortable as an óld shóe ((略式))〈人が〉付き合いやすい,あまり堅苦しくない,話しやすい.
        as worn as an old shoe:    古い靴のように擦り切れた
        worn as an old shoe:    
        old fashioned shoe-leather investigation:    
        old-fashioned shoe-leather investigation:    昔ながらの足を使った捜査{そうさ}
        shoe:     1shoe n. 靴; (自動車の制動のための)(ブレーキ)シュー. 【動詞+】 shoes blacked and polished till you can see your face in them 墨を塗って顔が映るまでにみがきあげた靴 break in a new pair of shoes 新しい靴をはきならす brush one's shoe
        as of old:    as of old 依然として いぜんとして 惟神 随神 かんながら
        of old:     of óld ((文)) (1) 昔の in days of ~ 昔(に)/ her tricks of ~ 彼女の昔からのやり口. (2) 昔は;昔から.
        of the old:    古風な、保守的な
        old:     1old n. 《文語》 昔, 往時. 【前置詞+】 as of old 昔のように from of old 昔から, 古くから men of old 昔の人 in days of old 昔, 以前は like the Athenians of old 昔のアテネ人のように It has been said fr
        the old:    the old 老 ろう 老い おい
        (shoe) heel:    (shoe) heel 踵 かかと
        accessory shoe:    アクセサリ?シュー
        athletic shoe:    運動靴{うんどうぐつ}、スニーカー(sneaker)


  1. "old self" 意味
  2. "old senate chamber" 意味
  3. "old sense of the word" 意味
  4. "old share" 意味
  5. "old ship" 意味
  6. "old shoes" 意味
  7. "old shop" 意味
  8. "old shrine" 意味
  9. "old shrines and temples" 意味
  10. "old share" 意味
  11. "old ship" 意味
  12. "old shoes" 意味
  13. "old shop" 意味

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